Latest News

The long awaited Fuel Pipeline is being installed at the UNOS Fuel Facility in Najaf

The pipeline made from 6 inch epoxy coated steel, links the UNOS Fuel Farm to the UNOS airside compound where a skid mounted Pump and Water Filter/Separator with Tank will be located.Read More

R04 Enters Service at Najaf International Airport

The new 18,000 litre Refueller (R04) from Terramar-Esterer entered service at Najaf International Airport.Read More

Ramadan Briefing, July 2015, Najaf

During Ramadan 2015, Copperchase (Iraq) CEO, Dr. Nahidh Salih Jasim invited all the staff in Iraq to a Breakfast gathering in the UNOS camp at Najaf International Airport.Read More

The New 18,000 Litre Refueller (R04) is Commissioned by Esterer Engineers. Najaf, Iraq

In early July 2015, two Commissioning Engineers from the Esterer Company travelled to the UNOS Fuel Facility at Najaf International Airport to commission the new 18,000 Litre Refueller (R04) and provide training in its operational use.Read More

Internal Audit by Copperchase of the UNOS Najaf Fuel Operations to JIG 4

On 24th March 2014, Tony Myers, Director of Copperchase UK performed an audit of the UNOS Najaf Fuel Operations. The audit performed was that defined by JIG for ‘Small’ fuel operations.Read More

Back with the UNOS Team

We are very pleased to announce the return of Abdulhadi Imran (Abu Ali) to our UNOS Team. Having spent a short time working on a number of projects in and around Najaf, Abdulhadi has re-joined the UNOS family in his previous position as Manager of the Fuel Farm.Read More

Visit of Her Majesty’s Ambassador to Iraq, Mr Frank Baker OBE

On Sunday 8th February 2015, Copperchase and UNOS were honored to host a visit from Her Majesty’s Ambassador to Iraq, Mr Frank Baker OBE.Read More

New Refueler for Najaf Fuel Farm

A new 18,000 litre Aviation Fuel Refueler for the Najaf Fuel Farm has been accepted from the Esterer factor in Kassel, Germany.Read More

Emirates Airlines Visit the UNOS Fuel Farm

In February 2015, Emirates Airlines visited the UNOS Fuel Farm as a part of its assessment of the Najaf Station in advance of operating a scheduled service into the Najaf airport from Dubai.Read More

Qatar Takes Fuel

Susbsequent to the IATA inspection of the UNOS Fuel Facilities at Najaf International Airport, Qatar Airways are now taking regular deliveries of fuel from UNOS.Read More

The International Red Cross at Najaf Airport

UNOS is proud to be assisting the International Red Cross in its humanitarian efforts to relieve the struggles and suffering of the Iraqi people. Pictured is UNOS operator Fakhar Ali Kadhim with the crew of the Red Cross flight. Read More

UNOS On-Site Laboratory Facilities

The UNOS Fuel Farm at Najaf Al Ashraf International Airport has a State-of-the-Art Laboratory for the sampling and testing of all fuel that enters and leaves the facility. The Lab is managed and operated by Muntader Saheb (Abu Asif), ensuring that we only receive and deliver fuel of the utmost quality and specification.Read More

UNOS Celebrates its First Full Year of Operations at Najaf Al Ashraf International Airport

On the 3rd of October 2014, the UNOS company of Iraq celebrated 1 full year of In-To-Plane Fuel Operations at Najaf Al Ashraf International Airport, Iraq. To commemorate the event a party was held at the UNOS Accommodation and Recreation Facility on the airport. The pictures below show the event and a wonderful cake that was baked specially for the…Read More

UNOS Improve Fuel Quality At NJF

Prior to the arrival of UNOS at Al Najaf Al Ashraf International Airport, fuel stocks had been stored in a tactical military styled “bladders”. A number of major airlines had felt the quality control of the fuel for the prevention of contamination by water or other substances was not appropriate for them to be able to consider uplifting fuel from N…Read More

IATA Approvals

United National Oil Services (UNOS) is looking to receive IATA Fuel Quality Pool (IFQP) approval for its new Fuel Farm facility at Najaf Al Ashraf International Airport. Following the successful introduction of its new aviation fuelling facility at Najaf Al Ashraf International Airport. UNOS is progressing with the obtaining of IFQP approval during…Read More

New into-plane aviation fuel supplier at Najaf International Airport

In May 2013, United National Oil Service Limited (UNOS) was awarded a ten year contract by the Najaf International Airport authority for the into-plane supply of JET A-1 aviation fuel.
Previously fuel stocks held in Najaf had been stored in a military styled “bladder” and a number of major airlines had felt the quality control…Read More

UNOS Signs Fuel Supply Agreement with Turkish Airlines

United National Oil Services - UNOS, has signed an Agreement with Turkish Airlines for Fuel Supply and Services at Al Najaf Al Ashraf International Airport, Iraq. Pictured are Tony Myers, UNOS General Manager and Cemil Bogaz, Fuel Management Manager for Turkish Airlines. Mr Bogaz expressed his great satisfaction with the UNOS application of ASTM be…Read More

UNOS Fuel Operations Start at Al Najaf Al Ashraf International Airport

On 3rd October 2013, UNOS began its Fuel Operations at Al Najaf Al Ashraf International Airport. UNOS hosted an inauguration ceremony at its air-side office facilities; the event was attended by Sheikh Fayed and the Board of Directors of the airport. Soon after the ceremony ended the UNOS Operations Team were in action refuelling its first aircraft…Read More

Al-Shuaiba Refinery Pumps

UNOS, in conjunction with its sister company it-netze, a German based company, supply the industrial and oil companies with specialised pumps and motors from well reputed international manufacturers in the UK, Germany and other Western Europe Countries. UNOS has completed recently the supply of 5 heavy duty central fugal pumps to the Southern Refin…Read More

About UNOS Iraq

United National Oil Services — an Iraqi company established to provide support services for oil and gas operations in Iraq and globally.

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