News Article

Internal Audit by Copperchase of the UNOS Najaf Fuel Operations to JIG 4

29 March 2015

Pictured, left to right, Mr Abdulhadi Imran, Mr Tony Myers, Mr Muntahder Rahim (seated) and Mr Anmar Mousa

On 24th March 2014, Tony Myers, Director of Copperchase UK performed an audit of the UNOS Najaf Fuel Operations. The audit performed was that defined by JIG for ‘Small’ fuel operations.

Mr Myers’ Summary in his report reads: -


This Audit, when used for ‘Small’ airports (as defined by the JIG 4 Standard), is deemed a sampling review to determine the overall rating of the operation and identify areas for improvement. This Audit is an internal audit and as such it is not a compliance audit.

Subsequent to the IATA inspection by Mr Mostapha Shukabaei of IranAir in May 2014, UNOS has sought to continuously improve and upgrade its procedures and equipment. The Najaf station experiences some very sharp and rapid demands on its facilities during times of religious celebrations, the Najaf Fuel Facility in particular has to cope with up to 4 times its normal rate of demand for short and sustained periods. This increase obviously creates certain strains and pressures, the UNOS operation and its staff has proved to be a match for the challenge.

None of the Recommendations established during this Audit show signs of systematic failure or a failure to meet Quality Control or Safety requirements. Quite the opposite, there is a good standard of operational performance and the Quality Control is excised very well throughout the whole of the company. The staff have a very good attitude and are receptive to change and improvements, there is no indication of deterioration, the UNOS operation has successfully demonstrated that it is on a path of continuous improvement.

Unless an audit is required by IATA (or one of its affiliated companies) it is suggested that the next audit is performed within the next 12 months, a provisional date of February 2016 has been established.

According to the defined rules, the overall assessment of the UNOS facility is : - GOOD/SATISFACTORY

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